Xarray indexes: unleash the power of coordinates

Monday, August 7th, 2023 (10 months ago)

TLDR: Xarray has been through a major refactoring of its internals that makes coordinate-based data selection and alignment (almost) fully customizable, via built-in and/or 3rd party indexes. It also addresses a good amount of long-standing issues with "dimension coordinates" implicitly backed by pandas (multi-)indexes.


[link to Joe's CZI blog post]

The concept of "dimension coordinate" and its shortcomings#

Some datasets could not be loaded with Xarray (dimension name and coordinate with same name but different dimensions)

Complicated workarounds (swap_dims, etc.)

Limited and/or challenging for data cubes representing arbitrary grids (curvilinear grids, unstructured meshes, etc.).

Better index vs. coordinate separation#

Refactor index logic in Index classes. More easily maintainable. May help Pandas become optional dependency in the future? (cf. Xarray-lite).

Also allowed to solve lots of issues with multi-indexes, for which each level has now its own real coordinate.

Dataset / DataArray section has now an "indexes" section.

Selection using non-dimension, 1-d coordinates#

Set an index for non-dimension coordinates! (No more swap_dims anymore or coordinate renaming)


Alternatives to pandas.Index#

E.g., Numpy index (much faster to build, much more expensive to query), Geometry index (xvec)

Out-of-core index, etc.

...or no index at all! (Create dataset with no default index, drop_indexes)

Create custom indexes from arbitrary coordinates and dimensions#

Not limited to 1-dimensional coordinates, even more flexible!

RasterIndex, FunctionalIndex, etc.

See xarray discussion for examples

What’s next#

Still unfinished [link: indexes next steps GH issue], extension entry points, etc.


CZI, Xarray core developers, etc.

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